Proyecto ICTINEU 3 (2007-2009) - ICTINEUS Submarins SL
Search and monitoring of Harmful contaminants, other pollutants and leaks in vessels in port using a swarm of robotic fishreplica handbags (2010-2011) -
INDEMARES (1/1/2009-31/12/2013) - Coordinado por: Fundación Biodiversidad
Desarrollo de procedimientos para el control operativo integrado de vertidos al medio litoral (urbanos e industriales) mediante el uso de biomarcadores, bioensayos e indicadores del estado ecológico top rolex watches (2008-2010) -
BFS (Bio Fuel System) (2010-Siguientes) - BFS
Virgin Oceanic (2011) - Virgin
Tackling pollution of the Mediterranean Sea from land-based sourcesby an integrated ecosystem approach and the use of the combinedinternational and European legal regime (2002) - IGITUR
Zephyr Test Station (2008-2017) - IREC
Communication and Practical Training Applied in Nautical Studies (2008-?) - University of the Aegean
Proyecto de cultivo industrial de Undaria pinnatifida en la ría de Camariñas. (2005-2008) - IEO
Proyecto estructurante en Ciencias Marina (2010-2014) - gobierno de Canarias, cognosfera, redcide, union europea
Aquaculture in Sicily: the state of the art (2009) - Universitá di Palermo
Mediterranean finfish pathologies: Present status and new developments in prophylactic methods () -
The influence of sea temperature, salinity and oxygenation on intracellular ciliates dynamics in Slovene Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) (2011) -
Eight years of wind measurements from scatterometer for wind resource mapping in the Mediterranean Sea (2011) -
Corrosion patterns of seep-carbonates from the eastern Mediterranean Sea (2011) -
Wind energy resources in the Ionian Sea rolex replica (2011) -
Modelling Air Passenger Arrivals to the Balearic Islands, Spain (2007) -
Methodology for applying the Limits of Acceptable Change process to the management of recreational boating in the Balearic Islands, Spain (Western Mediterranean) (2011) -
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